Archive for October, 2014

Lost 30 Pounds

Posted: October 7, 2014 in Uncategorized

Well, I was going to try to lose 25 pounds while I was here, and now I’ve lost 30 pounds, so I’m pretty sure I hit that goal. Came in at 208 and I’m 178 now.

eBay To The SHU

Posted: October 4, 2014 in Uncategorized

Well my new bunkmate didn’t last long. Apparently when I was in visiting, he got into a fight and well… he’s now in the SHU. And I have my good bunk all to myself now.

I wonder if he’ll come back before I go home… if not, “bye Robert”… Don’t get into dumb fights. But I guess you know that now.

No Pets

Posted: October 3, 2014 in Uncategorized

We (and when I say, “we”, I more mean Wade) have a feral cat that lives out on the tree farm where I work in the morning. Nice cat, but probably not the most fun life to be living in a drainage pipe.

Anyway, the Warden decided that he didn’t want stray cats living in the prison, so he ordered it gone. So yeah… KC (Kitty Cat) was taken today in a box. I think she’s in my unit manager’s office, so at least someone is taking care of her.