Author Archive

Bingo Was My Name-O

Posted: November 16, 2014 in Uncategorized

We have bingo here every month, although this is the only the second time I’ve played in it (I’ve always coincidentally had a visit on bingo days so I miss it).

Anyway… I won, so I get $10 towards commissary. Which is cool because, you know… you get the credit in 6 weeks… WHEN I’M GONE.

Oh well, hopefully if I ever come back to prison, I get my $10 credit. 🙂

Lost 35 Pounds

Posted: November 9, 2014 in Uncategorized

Errrr… I was going to try to lose 25 pounds while I was here, and now I’ve lost 35 pounds. Which means I came in at 208 and I’m not 173.

I should probably stop losing weight now (I’m 6’0″).

I’m not going to name any names, but there is most definitely a correctional officer here that can’t read English. When he gives out mail, he hands every single piece to an inmate to read the name out.

I would think English proficiency should be a qualification for working here, but I guess not.

Pending Release

Posted: November 1, 2014 in Uncategorized

Well, my assigned job was officially changed to “Pending Release”. Meaning I don’t have to work at my lame recreation job anymore. Plus it’s just nice to see “Pending Release” next to your name on paperwork. 🙂


Posted: October 31, 2014 in Uncategorized

Hmmmm… I talk about lightning strikes a couple days ago and all of a sudden today it’s raining like mad and there is some crazy lightning storm going on all night. And it’s Halloween.

It’s pretty cool though. 🙂


Posted: October 28, 2014 in Uncategorized

Whatever crazy stuff is going on with ebola in the real world is just kind of strange if you ask me. I mean, what… like 1 or 2 people in the US died from it and now we are going to spend $100 million on preventing it? I bet 50 people die every year in the US from lightning strikes, but we don’t put up lightning rods everywhere to prevent that. People are silly.

Oh, and we got a notice on our bulletin board here that people coming in to prison are going to be asked if they might have been exposed to ebola. I feel safe now. lol

Wired Magazine

Posted: October 27, 2014 in Uncategorized

I ordered a subscription to Wired Magazine before I even came here (back in June) and today I *just* now got my first issue. Not the swiftest delivery… only took 18 weeks for the first issue.


Posted: October 24, 2014 in Uncategorized

I guess I’ve been here slightly longer than 100 days because I bought multi-vitamins a couple days after I got here and took one per day. And now they are gone and I had to buy a new bottle.

Reading Certificate, part deux

Posted: October 20, 2014 in Uncategorized

My rehabilitation from a hardened criminal is coming along well. I earned my second reading certificate now for reading 20 total books since I’ve been here.

Macworld Subscription

Posted: October 15, 2014 in Uncategorized

Got my issue of Macworld today. They also let me know this is the last print issue they are doing. They are switching to digital-only magazines.

Well that sucks. I doubt this place is going to give me an iPad to read it on going forward. haha